Monday, December 16, 2013

Class Photo

Class photo brings back so many fond memories


  1. I can barely recognize anyone anymore...

  2. So glad for auntie's burqua coverage. It hides extensive facial scarring from last year's acid attack by her husband of 6 years. Yes, she was married at age 9.

  3. Class photo? They are allowed to go to school? I'm just asking.

    Scary these people are.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  4. Hey, I khow that girl on the front row, 5th from the right. I dated her older sister and he two brothers. Don't jump the gun on me, the brothers had to accompany her on all outtings.

  5. I'll never forget those "Man Hands" on #3 from the left!

  6. Randy, sorry about that. I just realized I posted the wrong class.

  7. Sandee, in some very advanced countries as this seems to be.

  8. You know what? I'm betting that similar actual photos proliferate in the Islamic world?

  9. AOW, Of course they do ... got to have a class picture.

  10. lol good grief Woodsy...the world is one scarey place !!! BOO!

  11. Can we get a retake? I wasn't smiling.

  12. Hhmmm . . . . . I guess, for them to know which ones they are, is maybe they were arranged in alphabetical order. Haha! ;o)


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