Thursday, December 26, 2013

NewsBusted 12/24/13 ~


  1. Nailing it as usual! Happy Boxing Day.

  2. I wonder how much their 20th vacation of the year is costing the taxpayers. Hawaii isn't cheap. He wasn't born there either.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  3. Sandee, Some say $4,000,000.00, but I think that is way low. A liberal won't sneeze for less than a billion.

  4. There is just so much wrong with him and his vacations.

  5. Hope you're having a wonderful Christmas, Odie. God bless.

  6. Seems that same sex marriage was a "no-no" with Biden, Obama, and Hillary just a year ago---its quite strange they all changed their opinions at the same time. Damn---they were all reading from the same play book. A book that's not founded in tradition or values but of expediancy. I should add, the expediancy of the east and west coast and not the heartland of this great nation. Some things are constant and should remain set in stone. If gays and dikes would have had their way overe the years there would be no people on the face of mother earth----animals know better. I would only add if being gay was inherited and not learned it that disease would have vanished long ago. They don't reproduce do they.

  7. admiral, His whole presidency is nothing but a joke to him. He especially loves rubbing our noses in it.


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