Sunday, December 29, 2024

Happy Second Half of Funday

Houston, TX

 Thanks FBers


  1. #3) Yeah, but you could get 2 or 3 channels on UHF.

    #5) Something strange about this picture. How do you make all those snowmen and the snow all around is mostly undisturbed.

    #7) Easy - water balloons - I had so much fun with them.

    Odie, Do you know the difference between snow men and snow women?
    Snow Balls.

    1. #5 Looks like someone rolled the pieces well off camera and brought them into the set area. Brill!

  2. Is that Al Bundy in the middle of the first picture?

  3. Hi, Goldie, Hi, Kurt. We all got old together.

  4. Image #5 looks like Calvin’s work.

  5. 1. Don't look now...
    2. Definitely an interesting picture.
    3. Oh yes.
    4. Blessed to have never been there so I'll take your word for it.
    5. Haha.
    6. I never understood the infatuation with wine.
    7. Hahahaha.
    8. lol
    9. Sadly true.
    10. Haha.
    Thank you, Odie.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  6. #5 - the Canadian Army pushing toward the border looking for Trump. It's a long way south & quite a temp change by the time 'ya get to Mar a Lago

  7. The Northern Snowman Army guarding the Emperor Qin Shi Huang. Amazing!

  8. The snowmen slid up to the formation themselves. That way they leave no footprints.


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