Saturday, December 28, 2024

Babes ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style ~ A

Other Rule 5 ers:



  1. Somebody has a thing for surfer girls.

    PS I do love women in nice dresses, but do they always have to be so thin?

  2. Oh my word. Wowzy. What a great collection of God's creations in their natural state. Yummy. Thank You. BobT

  3. #9) I was one of those people that preferred Mary Ann (Dawn Wells, Miss Nevada 1959) over Ginger.

    1. Edward, I don't know anyone that liked Ginger better.

  4. Is #10 Melissa Rauch from Big Bang Theory?

  5. Man! Oh man! I don't know where you found so many incredibly stunningly gorgeous young ladies...but I am totally head over heels in love with virtually each and every one of them!!!

  6. If I had photoshop skills, I'd do that to Mary Ann all day long !!!

  7. I'd really like to see this bevy of beauties on trampolines. Talk about hypnotic and "motion of the ocean". Science says males looking at female anatomy lowers blood pressure and is good for heart health, so adding in slowly bouncing on trampolines would be even better.
    Thank you for the effort to find these.

  8. #4 looks like Sasha Alexander "Kate" from NCIS.

    1. clayusmcret, that's her and you win the prize. Is she HOT or what.


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