Sunday, December 1, 2024

Google Has Done It Again


Google sometimes EFFs up. The preceding post was 

pulled for a Spam violation. I haven't a clue as what it 

could be. They don't have the decency to tell me what 

it could possibly be. So I'm winging it here. I have 

submitted a request for review. Anyway, the afternoon 

version is a couple of hours away .... Standby.

Thanks For Nothing Google 


  1. Those Hormel guys don't mess around...

    Stefan v.

  2. Sorry this is happening to you, Odie. I think it's going to happen more and more. ♥

    1. Sandee, my problem is more that the way they do it. I can't even find out what pissed someone off.

  3. Yep... Leave it to Google to screw things up.

  4. Since Google was instrumental in spreading Fauci's bovine excrement (and have not yet been taken to task for it), I cannot understand how they can place themselves in such a self-appointed position.
    I think I'm going to write a letter to the incoming POTUS asking him to appoint you to the position of cleaning up these monstrosities and the mess they've made of our Freedom of Speech.
    I realize this would be asking you to act as toilet paper, but I'd be happy to volunteer to be one of your sheets

  5. AI is coming for you!!!!

    Man, it has only been a few hours and I can't remember the memes you posted. I'm sure I checked at breakfast.

  6. Oh no, that's definitely frustrating when you feel like you're playing by the rules and still get flagged! It's like trying to solve a mystery without any clues.. It's like having a superhero whose power is a little too strong for their own good.
    I can imagine you're feeling like you've been thrown into a digital "no-fly zone" with no warning. The suspense must be killing you! You're probably racking your brain, trying to think of what could have triggered the spam alert. It's like playing a game of Whack-a-Mole, but with the rules changing every time you turn around. Maybe there's a secret rule that's as elusive as Bigfoot, hiding in plain sight. In the meantime, keep posting!  Your voice is important and deserves to be heard. So, keep swimming, my friend, and don't let the algorithm sharks get you down!

  7. I uploaded a video to Youtube. It was a political funny just before the election. They took it down. I appealed. They said they'd send an email on their decision. Still haven't heard a thing. It's been well over 30 days.

    1. Shawn, I posted the whole collection of "Red Green" videos from about 20 different You-tubers. I down loaded them, reformatted them, and gave Red Green all the credit. Before you couldn't find them all in one place, so it took awhile. I just wanted to shorten that a bit. I guess Red Green decided to post the show to Youtube six months later. He had Youtube yank mine off. He could have contacted me and I would have gladly pulled then. So, now I have very little use for him.

  8. I can only hope that someone is working on the "World's Largest Collection of Butt-Hurt Pussies" Let's face it, itz gonna take a while, but it'll be well worth it!

  9. Try actually saying something on Yahoo News.

    1. edutcher, no thanks. It's back though. They reviewed it and I won.

  10. If there using AI to moderate(censor) posts, the only thing I see is the couch with otteman post. AI might have thought it was an ad,


Put it here ... I can't wait to read it. I have the Captcha turned OFF but blogger insists it be there. You should be able to bypass it.

** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.