Sunday, July 28, 2024

The Wedding Dress



  1. Reminds me of this old chestnut:

    A woman is getting married for the fourth time. She's getting married to a lawyer and is really excited.
    So she goes to the dress maker and asks "I'm getting married for the fourth time. Can you make me a beautiful white wedding dress to walk down the isle in?"
    The tailor says "With all due respect, after three husbands, maybe something in a off white or an ecru would be more appropriate.
    Woman: No, I've maintained my virginity thru three husbands and I'd like to walk down in something white.
    Tailor: "You've maintained your virginity thru three husbands and now you're marrying a lawyer? Well how exactly do you explain that???"
    Woman "Well, my first husband, John, was a Gynecologist and all he'd ever do is get under the covers and look at it and examine it. That's all he'd ever do to me"
    "My second husband, Sigmund" was a psychiatrist. He'd get under the covers and all he'd ever do is talk about it, talk about it and talk about it"
    My third husband, Lester, was a stamp collector...
    I really miss Lester..."
    "But now I'm marrying a lawyer, so now I know I'm really gonna get f**ked!"


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