Wednesday, July 24, 2024

It's Time For Skipism Wednesday ~ PM


Thanks Skip


  1. Joe's supposed to talk tonight (Oval Office Speech).

    1.14 Trillion - It's hard to describe how much that is. If you only had 1 Billion Dollars and spent 1/2 million per year (500K) it would take you 2,000 years to spend it. 1.14 Trillion in interest - unfathomable.

    1. Edward, it started when parents stopped teaching their children and Moms started working.

  2. We're in a heap of a mess aren't we? Yes we are.

    Love that first one. They're already printing up the ones with the right name. Oh wait, they need a VP pick first.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week, Odie. ♥

    1. Sandee, they also the vote at their convention, but then that's such a little thing.

  3. Love the first.

    Feels like God is playing 32 dimensional Star Trek chess.

    1. edutcher, ah shucks, and the dems were so close to being ready for the big steal.

  4. #1 Chuckle
    #3 That is great.
    #8 Not just suspicious, but if you can't actually wake up and see what is wrong, I can't help you.

    God has a plan. We need to pray and trust in him.
    Thanks for this, Odie.
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. LindaG, you could go crazy trying to help those people.


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