Thursday, June 13, 2024

What A Wonderful Day For Libturd Thursday ~ AM


Thanks Skip


  1. CONgress, if you haven't seen the movie, The Distinguished Gentleman, this explains it perfectly...

  2. Not term limits, prison terms. As long as there are trillions of dollars in the budget, special interests will find someone to get them a slice. We need to defund agencies that violate their charter (CBP 'harvesting' refugees and flying them in) while charging and jailing people that break the law, like officials who cover up crimes by using private email for government business to avoid FOIA.

    1. Jason, we want to fix it for good and not just for now. And, do we have enough rope?

  3. If I had to speculate, I'll bet slo Joe wasn't the only family member to shower with his sister...oops that slipped out!

  4. 3. Pedo Island or Wilmington, Delaware?
    (FJB, That fucking creep!)

    1. lg, Brandon could be the new poster child for Pedo Island, after Bill Clinton of course.

  5. #2 Albert Einstein didn't foresee the internet nor the democraticization of journalism and journalists. Although Governments and left-leaning powerful individuals have tried very hard to censor that internet, they haven't accomplished it yet. I'd hate to see a time come when sites like this one no longer are able to publish. Thank God some very smart 20-something and 30-something men who were insurrectionists at heart recognized our God-given rights and wrote a document that commands our National Government to protect those rights.

    1. MarkiinKansas, our government has been letting us down lately.

  6. Term limits for Congress, the Federal bench, and civil service.

    PS Al didn't see the Internet coming.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.