Tuesday, March 15, 2022

The Skipism ~ Tuesday AM


Thanks Skip


  1. Looks like a U-boat skipper's wet dream.

  2. Lots of fun. I linked this post to Happy Tuesday.

    Have a fabulous day, Odie. ♥

  3. 55.8kph is 34.7mph, which is faster than most navy ships. Of course, that's speed when empty. Loaded down with cargo she will still cruise at 29mph

    1. ...or about the same as what is admitted about the Ford Class carrier while fully equipped. Imagine that much metal moving that fast at sea and how much skill it takes to keep from running into everything in sight.

    2. Very doubtful cruising with full load at 29mph. It would take far too much fuel. Cruising speed would be closer to 17 - 20 mph. And to make it in 4 days it would need to go at over 62 mph.

  4. Great graffiti....wow talented artists!
    Right now I would not be picking up or dropping off anything in China.

    1. Kathe W, how many businesses could be started here rather than building that piece of crap.

  5. effin seagulls. Toss an AlkaSeltzer in the air for them.
    Good stuff (as usual)


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