Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Let's Skip Wednesday ~ 1


Thanks Skip


  1. Replies
    1. Bobo the Hobo, I could have used that many a time.

  2. Red dot. Cats.
    Butthurt report.
    I agree that vent assembly is cool; I'm guessing magnetic.


  3. Love the dryer vent the very best. Brilliant.

    Have a fabulous day, Odie. ♥

  4. Dryer vent is interesting but only if it's connected to a vacuum. That 90 * angle would clog up faster than Biden's brain in an all girls school classroom when the teacher leaves to go to the restroom.

    1. Kid, it could, but it would be easy to get to.

    2. Disagree. Our dryer hooks to a standard 4" vent pipe inside the wall, so it's an instant 90 elbow. And then another one up in the ceiling to the horizontal pipe that runs to outside. It never clogs. We get it vacuumed out every year or two and there isn't much inside the pipe. Don't know what to tell you; maybe use the lint trap in the dryer and clean it before each use?

    3. There's a lint trap in the dryer itself?

    4. Drew458, I keep mine mostly straight and short.

    5. Woodie, I like mine to be straight and long.

      If anyone complains, I was misquoted.

    6. Kid, I did not know that about you. I will never judge.

  5. Dryer vent vid is hypnotic... I could see it's use, but I am with Kid, 90 degree angle is a lint killer. You would be pulling the dryer out a couple times a year to clean that angle out. Always stick to 45 degree angles with a smooth curve.

  6. Great posts and comments, Odie!
    Have a blessed day!

  7. Dryer vent info


  8. i like the vent coupling and you get a two fer. clean out the vent joint and sweep under the dryer at the same time. win win


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