Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Fun Meme Tuesday Afternoon


Thanks FBers


  1. Love them all and I linked this post to Happy Tuesday too.

    Have a great afternoon and evening, Odie. ♥

  2. I would not want to be behind the guy at wally world when those suspenders decide to give up on their life. The back lash will severe your head. I wonder if the trash tomatoes taste sweeter then the normal tomato? Duel Ma Deuces? can they be mounted on the back of my pick up? Would it then be called a Redneck Technical?

    1. Cederq, I had a single one mounted on a deuce and a half a few times. I'm sure a pickup with two would look outrageous.

  3. Dual ,50s are nice , but , I'd prefer a nice M45 Quadmount meatchopper , myself .

    1. Damn girl, you like it grisly... But I only have a one ton pickup, I don't think it could carry four M50s and it's mount and enough ammo to feed it.

    2. jerseygirlangie, I'll bet you're fun to watch on the range.

    3. Cederq, you need a bigger truck.

    4. What can I say - if it's worth doing , it's definitely worth overdoing ! :-)

    5. jerseygirlangie, love your style.

  4. great funnies- have a perfect week!


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