Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Memes For A Tuesday ~ 1


Thanks WeMe Peeps


  1. Well, Christmas is the season of children.

    And I'm sure those 2 young lads did earn the Jeffery Epstein badge in the RAF.

  2. edutchewr, you have to learn this stuff somewhere, so why not the gutter.

  3. Love all the funnies and especially the last one. Those boys are in heaven.

    Have a fabulous day, Odie. ☺

  4. In San Fran, those types of decorations are mandatory... palm trees or not. I would have liked to earn my scout badges that easy.

  5. Odie- you win the prize for always making me laugh! Thanks!

  6. Cederq, they didn't earn a scout badge, but they didn't care.

  7. Kathe W, When I post I ALWAYS wonder if you will like it. I guess I'm doing well in that department, huh.

  8. That is the bever badge one of the hardest to get

  9. Rat36Ford, being a beaver badge I would think wood was involved.


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