Sunday, September 27, 2020

Funday Afternoon ~ Redneck Ingenuity


Thanks Alex


  1. The most dangerous thing in the world is a redneck with a welder.😂

  2. Antidote, OK, but I think I would have said Bolt Cutters.

  3. Back in my dirt poor days, A friend of mine and I were driving up the Big Thompson Canyon west of Loveland Colorado on our way to do some rock climbing when the left front wheel of his Volkswagon came off of it support. We managed to lash it into place with some climbing rope and wire. We then proceeded to drive it back to Fort Collins and get it repaired. Good times.

  4. Duct tape and wrenches make the world go round.

  5. Best use of Craftsman wrench award.

  6. Bill Chunko, sounds like me on a snowmobile trip and dropping a ski.

  7. edutcher, in these parts duct tape is called "High Speed Tape". We use it for snowmobile windshields.

  8. Matthew, there's a reward for everything, huh.

  9. Howdy Woodie, Doug Ross sent me, hope all is well my fren !

  10. Hi Mike, I've missed seeing you around here.


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