Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Bohemian Rhapsody - The Petersens (LIVE)


Do you remember this group, I posted a few

weeks ago, from Branson? You won't believe

what they went and done. Incredible! 


  1. That's awesome. The story woven into Bohemian Rhapsody is a perfect match to the country flavored cover. Well done Petersens!

  2. Sorry man, never liked the tune.

  3. Kid, my thoughts were about what they did with the song.

  4. I give them an A for their skills and the effort but thats an awful version of a great song

  5. I've just "head-banged" to bluegrass. Now I can cross it off my bucket list!

  6. If you are not following the Petersens on YouTube you are missing one of the good things in life. They are enough to actually give one hope for the future even though this particular song isn't really my favorite of theirs.

    You should absolutely go listen to "Moments" which is an original by the dobro player Emmett Franz:

  7. I like these folks really,

    but this song is about a man dying of aids.
    "Just killed a man (him)
    put my gun up to his head (all ex soldiers know this is my weapon this is my gun, one is for fighting one is for fun..),
    pulled my trigger now he's dead..(his irresponsible behavior with unprotected homosexual sex caused him to contract a life ending disease, aids.

    It seems like a really odd song choice for a wholesome Christian family band.

    It is like Christians who sing Cohen's Hallelujah, a bitter song about betrayal, as if it is a spiritual hymn.

    But whatever.....

  8. Mikey, I thought they went very well out of their realm.

  9. CWG, Bohemian Rhapsody was written in 1975, AIDS was first observed in the West in 1981 but don't let facts get in the way of your rant.

  10. CorporalWalsh'sGhost, I think you're reading way too much into this. I got the opinion, by reading the intro on YouTube, that they looked at this as an artistic challenge. I think they were very up for that challenge.

  11. BadFrog (love that name), Thanks for that timely heads up.

  12. Well Frog, the man did die of aids,

    so if it is a mistake, it was an honest one....

    Now, speaking of mistakes, my post was simply an opinion, since when did a simple opinion constitute a rant?

    Carry on...

    By the way, I like your site Woodsterman, if not always your taste in music.

  13. We already have our tickets to see the Petersen band in Branson in November.

    This song is not their normal style of music, but was a "payoff" for raising money to help support them during these hard times for all musicians. And I thought they did a great job, though I certainly don't expect them to put this on any future albums.

    Nice young people that love and respect their parents, sing and play clean music without curse words or hate, are very well educated, are devout Christians, and love this country. Sadly, they are in a very small minority these days when you look at all the evil and hate-filled people their same ages destroying cities and hurting people.

  14. CorporalWalsh'sGhost, I love their music and was only amazed that they tackled this difficult song. I like the Muppet version too. Does that make me a terrible person? LOL.

  15. Big Dog, enjoy the show! I love their music.

  16. Here is another cover of Bohemian Rhapsody. It is very short because that's the way you have to do it on America's Got Talent. The artist is Angelina Jordan. She is a 13 year old Norwegian.

  17. Having a difference of opinion only makes you terrible to a Marxist, to conservatives, having a difference of opinion simply opens up the possibility for healthy debate, or at the very least interesting conversation!

    No, I don't think liking this song choice makes you terrible, and for the record I'd probably like the muppet myself!

  18. Thanks for highlighting these kids and their mom - had never heard of them before, they are great. I was a choral singer for quite a few years back through high school, so I can appreciate this sort of talent. The only problem is I now have a ton more videos to watch ...

  19. I thought they did a great job. No need to get philosophical about the song itself, hidden meanings, etc. They covered it incorporating their own style and I enjoyed listening. Thanks for posting, Woody.

  20. CorporalWalsh'sGhost, did I say I liked this song. I really never thought much of it. I just thought these kids did a great job with it.


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