Thursday, December 19, 2019

It's Libturd Thursday Once Again

Thanks Facebooksters


  1. 1 is a preview of next year if Gropin' Joe is the nominee.

    And my answer to Hanoi Jane (man, have the years been mean to her; wotta hag!!!) is the other alternative is stay here, but stop breathing.

  2. I especially liked the water/insulin analogy as I am a Insulin dependent diabetic. The pharmaceutical companies grow insulin in Bioreactors with special e coli that crap out insulin as a waste product. It costs them pennies for gallons of the stuff and we are charged a premium.

  3. edutcher, the Fonda Family is going to have to bury Hanoi Jane in a secret place. The Vets in this country will be lined up for miles to piss on her grave. The grave will be in worse shape then LA, San Fran, Portland, Seattle as far as a waste dump.

  4. Some good ones in here. Health care.....

    1968 broken left leg, crushed in two places broken in 3 more, ankle broke. motorcycle accident. I'm 16. 45 days in hospital with all that goes with, semi-rpi room, 120 shots of morphine. 2 orthopedic surgeries on the leg. Total cost $1,800.00 No shit. This goes so far beyond explanation by way of inflation it's criminal to even try. My doc mentioned he thinks the mafia might be pulling the strings on HC.

    I'd say there's more than a few reasons for the cost - lawyers, profiteering by drug co's and hospitals, fraud and other criminal activity but Good God. That broken leg would probably cost 2 mil today.

  5. It's not the mafia, it's the American Bar Association and insurance companies.

  6. edutcher, I have nothing but hatred for that bitch!

  7. Cederq, I feel your pain. I'm on very expensive Xarelto.

  8. Cederq, I would travel to the ends of the earth to piss on her grave, but seeing her ashes spread out on San Francisco streets would also please me to no end.

  9. Kid, I think Obama and the donations to his democrat friends has more to do with it than anything. Again they didn't pass a bill to reign these prices in.

  10. deadcenter, your list is in the right direction, but a wee bit short.

  11. Woodie, Health Ins has a lot to do with it, but lawyers too. Over 10 years ago, a friend living in San Antonio told me Texas passed a law against fivolous medical lawsuits. A single hospital went from paying 100 million a year in legal costs (not payouts just defense fees) to 2 mil a year. A 98% reduction. Imagine that across the country.

    I stand by my opinion that the whole thing is screwed form every angle imaginable. And long before obammycare.

  12. More like 20 yrs ago actually.

  13. Kid, I believe you, but the reason this happens is the politicians are paid to look the other way.

  14. Kid, We've had bills like that in California too, but the lawyers spend so much to defeat them they go up in smoke. California voters are too lazy to actually read the ballot measure.

  15. Agree on California. Agree on the politicians. They recently rejected a call to bring the drug companies to bear. My lunch pals worked for a couple of the big ones and testify the only thing they care about is profit.

    Every man for themself.

  16. Kid, Kid, Kid, That's how most companies feel, or they shouldn't be in business.

  17. Woodie. There is profit- then there is rape with a telephone pool and no KY.

  18. As far as Hanoi Jane, the Vietnamese called and said the they no longer have any use for her.

    Thanks for the post.
    Paul L. Quandt

  19. Paul, I see her as the urinal of the future.


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