Monday, December 2, 2019

Awww Monday ~ Woodsterman Style ~ 226 ~


  1. This makes me want to find a puddle and splash. Oh, to be a kid again.

  2. I remember walking through puddles after the rain storm. But, today is Snowww Monday here in the northeast. Have a great day Odie.

  3. Mud puddles are like kryptonite to little kids. You're attracted to them, they're fun, then you get a scolding.

    Strippers have the same attraction and the same results.

  4. Sure looked like the dog stayed on the lookout for any potential problems.

  5. Curmudgeon, that was a long time ago for me too.

  6. Edward, we're having a snow day here also. I have to get out there and clean up ..... AGAIN.

  7. LL, at my age, and working in the rain for 30 years, I gravitate toward the strippers.

  8. I walked the 1/2 mile everyday to my grade school and rumor has it that if there was a puddle, I'd hit it !!
    Cute video !

  9. Edward:
    As a kid, my all time favorite was the snow melting in the ditches in spring and damming up the little rivers with snow/ice.

  10. Awww, that was adorable and the song was perfect for the video.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Odie. 😎

  11. that is the cutest video ever! Hugs and have a great day!

  12. One should never outgrow stomping in puddles.
    Thanks for the cute video. Love that dog.

  13. It's in the genes. A boy, a puddle and a patient dog (Who's a good boy!).

  14. Matthew and Edward, I grew up in LA (BD=Before Dems) and there was no snow. After a hard rain and the sun came out the gutters were running strong. That's when our little wooden boats came out and we could follow those for miles.

  15. Sandee, I preposted this so early I couldn't get the link.

  16. ScooterMan, makes for a great combination.


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