Sunday, December 15, 2019

Is It Funday Already?

Thanks Facebooksters


  1. The runaway golf cart is a metaphor for the self-destructing Democrats. I must confess I found myself quite literally laughing out loud over the chick on the sliding board. That must've been one helluva wedgie.

    Happy, happy Sunday Funday ya'll.

  2. The first is sage advice too late, I'm guessing.

  3. curmudgeon, ON HELL OF A WEDGIE! Did you notice that cart was on the Dallas field? As if they needed more to go wrong.

  4. edutcher, yes it is, but maybe it will help with the second marriage???????

  5. UPS vs FedEx vs USPS - LOVE it. I order tons of stuff online, but most of it comes UPS or USPS. I rarely see FedEx. I love our new Christmas hire UPS driver (cute gal!).

  6. HAHHAHAHAhahahhaaHaha ha.

    Who puts a wedgie maker at the top of a slide?

    I love stupid human tricks.

  7. Adrienne, as you know I have a weakness for cute gals.


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