Monday, February 4, 2019

Awww Monday ~ Woodsterman Style ~ 185 ~

Enjoy this snow while I shovel.


  1. Our pups love the snow.

    We got the Malshi groomed and suddenly she feels the cold.

  2. Adorable critters. They love them some snow don't they?

    Do we need to start a Go Fund Me page to buy you a snowblower?

    Have a great day.

  3. My little Frankie can tinkle and poo faster than a speeding bullet during the winter. He's like all, "Seriously, Dude - you expect me to squat in the snow?" And raising his short little leg may place his winkie in a snow bank. I don't blame him.

  4. Awww, that couldn't be any cuter. Love it.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Odie. 😎

  5. edutcher, I grew a beard once and shaved it off in the middle of winter ... Burrrrrrrrr!

  6. Curmudgeon, I have a brand new snowblower. Shoveling is just an expression, although a snowblower can't get everywhere.

  7. Adrienne, we are supposed to get between 4 to 6 feet by tomorrow night. 2 feet and counting.

  8. Odie, Take a raise out of petty cash.

    We have a beagle in a wheelchair that when there is light snow or ice in the parking area, loves to go out and do fishtails with his cart.

  9. Kid, thanks for the raise. It's still snowing here, so I'll still be shoveling.

  10. Ouch!

    I think we got about 1" last night. We've had one of our almost snowless winters. I'm good with that...

  11. Adrienne, this last storm has given about 6 feet so far.

  12. Wee Willie does not like the cold or the snow, he does his business and is back at the door in record time. To exercise him I holler SQUIRREL...


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