Sunday, November 6, 2016

WhooHoo ~ Happy Funday An Hour Later ~OR~ Is That Earlier?

Thanks Facebook Peeps and DS


  1. I can relate to almost all of these (never had a thing for truckers, and I doubt she finds many.) Who's the creepy little kid stealthly peering out at the kitteh?

  2. Bwahahahahahahahaha. Love them all Odie.

    I linked you to Silly Sunday.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  3. That first one.

    I have the feeling any Lefty wants to mess up his truck will live just long enough to regret it.

  4. I saw that Tim Kaine held a campaign rally that was so poorly attended, it was held in a minivan.

  5. Hell, Democrats would pass out voting ballots in Mexico if they thought they could get away with it---not talking about New Mexico either! Have a great day buddy!

  6. Funny and silly pictures--Have a fun week

  7. Adrienne - I know! He should leave that poor kitty alone!

    Timothy Hecht - It wasn't really a minivan. That was a vicious lie. It was a Smart Car. Technically, when it filled up, it was a Clown Car.

  8. We'll, i'd help you with the lost cat, but i'm afraid if i actually called "here, kitty, kitty, kitty," it might come to me!

  9. Adrienne, that would be the kitteh watcher.

  10. edutcher, and some say that's too long.

  11. Timothy, and there was still plenty of seating in the back.

  12. Lucky Lady, Thank you. That's what we do here you know.

  13. Gruntster, here kitteh kitteh kitteh ... Any where Kaine goes is a clown car.

  14. Most of these are GREAT!

    Saw you mentioned Cruz not mentioning Trump at a Pence event..UNREAL.
    I think WE think the election will be interesting; I'm thinking it'll get MORE interesting AFTER the election in SO many ways.
    have a good week, Odie!


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