Wednesday, November 9, 2016

It's November 9th and There Is A Calm

This country won last night!

I feel much better about my son's and grandson's futures. Above you see a man
with endless energy that can, I believe,
right this ship. 

Getting ready for Hollywood's mass exodus

Good Night All ..........


  1. HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN my friend!!!! xoxoxoxo

  2. To quote Ferris Bueller: It's over. GO HOME!

    Happy Days Are Here Again.

  3. I know you're on the same page as I am, but I would love to see the division in this country come to an end. For the last eight years we've had a horrible division.

    Have a fabulous day my friend. ☺

  4. It's a great day for everybody, and you did your part, sir.

    And I agree about your grandson's future.

  5. Sandee, it's time to start teaching American to be Americans again.

  6. edutcher, I did all I knew to do. The best part is so did everyone else.

  7. I don't do drugs, how long will this high last?

  8. I absolutely know that we're on the right track since the left imploded today. That's the best sign yet that Trump will be good for the country.

  9. Grateful it turned out our way. Thank you for all the posts and photos - shopped or real. :)

  10. Thanks for the posts, Odie, and for letting us share the joy!

  11. Euripides, nothing better than liberal tears.

  12. Trailbee, just doing what I can for the cause, and laughing of course.

  13. Gruntsterman, joy is what we all have at the moment.


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