Friday, November 18, 2016

A little Fun For A Friday

Thanks Facebook Buds

Personal Note:

Remember I said old age is not for sissies? I walk everyday for two miles with my neighbor. This week my breathing started to become labored out the door. Today we cut it short and my neighbor shamed me into submission ... God Bless Him. After testing all afternoon it was discovered I have many small blood clots in my lungs. I'm in ICU (wasn't needed but lots of room here) and I have oxygen in my nose and I feel quite good. I'm on blood thinners for the rest of my life and I should be going home tomorrow.

Life is good, and I have laptop on my lap with great WiFi.



  1. Please take care of yourself. A favorite blogger of mine, Exiled In Portales, passed away a while back because he kept ignoring his shortness of breath and other signs, as did my father........................

  2. Bob, Thank You Sir! I knew something was wrong so I listened to a friend and my wife.

  3. Good for you to listen to good advice. Now you'll be fine. You have to be here Odie and make us laugh and other silly things. Well, your Saturdays aren't all that great for me, but I keep hoping for some male eye candy.

    Have a great day my friend. ☺

  4. Sandee, Thank You! I snuck one in there for you a couple of weeks ago.

  5. God bless you Odia. Glad it's taken care of.

  6. Get well, man! It sucks, but you'll be better. Wifey discovered hers one week after she retired.

  7. Oh, stop being such a gurl, Odie. Pain is your friend. Shake it off.

    Actually, I had two mini-strokes following some dental surgery last year that scared the hell out of me. Damn doctor kept trying to tell me I wasn't gonna live forever. Complete idiot.

    I just went out of my way to renew my cable TV for two years, just to spite the bastard.

    Get back to work.

  8. Take care of yourself, dude, you're one of the good guys (actually, one of the best guys).

    PS The "He won" one is right on the money.

    PPS Yeah, dogs do think like that.

  9. R. Kelly Coker, I'm planning on getting better starting right now ... Thank You!

  10. I'm glad you went to the Dr! Getting sick isn't for the old! Now,don't fall! Just continue to take care of yourself!

  11. Unknown, as Micheal Jackson would say, "You made me giggle." Thank You Sir.

  12. edutcher, you've coming here a long time and always comment. It's always been very appreciated. Thank You Sir!

  13. Linda, Yes Ma'am, I'll stay upright. Thank You!

  14. Really glad you're ok, Odie. I hope you can be back on the long walks soon. That kind of activity is a blessing, especially in such a beautiful place.

  15. Relieved for your wife, happy for you!!!!!!!!! Hugs.

  16. You know, I've been having the same problem. I guess it might be prudent to stop by the hospital and have it checked out. Since I already have cancer that we've been fighting for almost three years, it might not be a bad idea.


    PS:First-time visitor to your blog. It's a lot of fun. I'll be back.

  17. Mr. Grunt, I am home now and on Xeralto and Oxygen. I feel great but I was asked to start the walks slowly "With an Oxygen Tank" I think I'll wait a bit before I jump into that.

  18. Trailbee, We're both doing well and looking forward to taking it easy for a few days.

  19. "Woodsterman/Odie/John" Well there's your problem! Are they doing anything for your multiple personality syndrome??

    Seriously, take care of yourself , old timer! I'm too old to break in any new friends!

  20. Solaratov, Welcome to Woodsterman. This has been a labor of love and I hope to hear more from you.

  21. Proof (AKA Mike should talk), Thank you SIR!

  22. Well dammit, now I have to find someone else to send that blow up dolly to.
    Thank goodness you have a good neighbor, and with medication you will be able to keep on keeping on. Feel better soon!

  23. Odie, glad to hear you are on the up & up! Suggest you keep the "babes" to a minimum, you know, they tend to spike the heart rate, respiration rate, body temp, etc.! God bless you. Stay well.

  24. Brig, is that dolly something we share? I should be able to attempt that in a couple weeks ... maybe. Got the Xeralto right here ... Thanks Brig.

  25. LetsPlay, cut down on the babes? I just have to find the ones that are turned on by air hoses for a bit. Thank you much!

  26. Doggone Odie, thank the Lord you looked into that. Take care now. If you're not feeling well, tell the doc.

  27. sig94, that sure is the truth. Thank You Sir!


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.