Friday, November 25, 2016

Happy Black Friday!



  1. There had to be a quorum at work (IRS) on Black Friday and almost everyone put in for the day off for the next yeat on the Monday after Turkey Day and I always worked.

    Most productive day of the year for me.

  2. You won't find me out shopping. I hate the rude people on Black Friday.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  3. "Nuff Said" is coming up blank on my computer, but do get a vivid image of the sheer madness of shoppers it must project. I would never shop on Black Friday. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving ole buddy. We just keep ticking!

  4. edutcher, we had vacation days we could split up and use anywhere. I was the only one that figured out I could take only three for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday during Thanksgiving Week and get nine days off.

  5. Sandee, I'm a guy and we don't .........

  6. Ron, I celebrated Black Friday by having a turkey sandwich for breakfast.

  7. Never do Black Friday shopping, but then I dislike most shopping...

  8. Brig, they that makes you an unusual woman.


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