Saturday, April 9, 2016

More Babes ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

Q: How did the blonde die at the baseball game? 
A: She drowned during the wave.
Q: What do you call a blonde golfer with an IQ of 125? 
A: a foursome.

Q: Why did the Blonde put ice in her pants? 
A: To keep her crabs fresh.

Q: Why are blonde cheerleaders so easy to get into bed? 
A: Who cares?
Q: What do you call a swimming pool full of Blondes? 


  1. Love the blonde jokes.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  2. I'll have to keep those away from The Blonde.

  3. Sandee, it wouldn't be "Woodsterman Style" without something funny.

  4. Edutcher, oh come on, live a little ... or is that the idea?

  5. Find in amazing you couldn't find enough real blondes to fill the post...

  6. Great blogging! Thanks for the link!

  7. As an engineer, I'm curious about that last pic of the brunette in the red outfit. Is that designed to, ah, cover anything? At all? Why even wear it? I think she would be more family friendly if she were just nekkid! NTTAWWT. And I'm with Brighid on the blonde thing. How come we ran out of blondes to match the theme??? Is this the real Odie? Has somebody hacked your website? Do we need to call the sheriff to see if you've been abducted by aliens??? ;)

  8. Grunt, that last one is wearing a crab cage... geez!

  9. Brighid, I admit it's an attractive crab cage. And really good bait. But with holes that big, I think all the crabs would escape. But maybe we're looking at this wrong. With those fish lips, she could be a Hawaiian Humu fish caught in a brightly colored net. She does look like she's struggling.

    Odie, just giving you a hard time. Sorry, Pal! The blonde jokes were awesome, and there's nothing wrong with your visual aids. ;)

  10. Brighid, details details ... I got the babes placed and then I added the blonde jokes. I figured my readers couldn't possible notice.

  11. Gruntman, I've got to be quick with this because I'm zooming around space at Warp 10. Buck up my friend ... I'm old!

  12. Brighid and Grunt, that last one is NOT BLONDE, but she sure was sexy enough to get a rise out of this old man. Grunt, those lips are quite useful .................. ;)

  13. Gruntsman, I love the banter! I still say "Fish Lips" feel great!


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