Friday, August 14, 2015

Reality ~OR~ Friday Fun Woodsterman Style

Thanks Dan!


Thank You Facebook Friends


  1. Thanks...I'm ready for Friday. TGIF.

  2. That last one is spot on, not that the first one is far from being spot on too. Love these Odie.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ☺

  3. LL, glad to help make Fridays a bit better.

  4. sig94, the world would pay to see those two in a fight. Obugnut would get his ass kicked.

  5. Sandee, the only thing missing is Algore on his knees in front of Obama.

  6. And if you think Net didn't say that to Selfie, I have a bridge in Brooklyn for you.

  7. I like that top one best, but knowing me you already knew that. Bomb bomb bomb Iran!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Climate change may indeed be the biggest threat to this planet. It has so captivated the attention of the man who is supposed to be the Leader of the Free World, that he is blind to the real threats and has done virtually nothing to stop them.

  9. The entire world is laughing at our "clown".
    Have a nice weekend, Odie.

  10. Proof, Clowns to the left of me ... clowns to the right of me ...

  11. Lady (I've missed you), It will take a lot to get them serious about us again.


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