Monday, August 17, 2015

Awww Monday ~ Woodsterman Style XII


Thanks Hal


  1. And this is why I let Erica the kitteh drive me slightly bats when she struts around my desk blocking my monitor and such.

    Speak of the devil. The second I typed her name she flew off the windowsill and on to my desk. Time for morning purrs and kitteh drools of love.

  2. Huge Awww's here. These are awesome captures.

    Have a terrific Awww Monday Woodsterman style. ☺

  3. That last one is my pick of the litter!

  4. In that fourth picture...what's Hillary doing to that baby??

  5. Aww! all cute especially the hugging cat gif heheh!

  6. everyone needs at least 10 hugs a day!

  7. Adrienne, Hugs ... I'm on R&R in the motorhome at the Grand Sierra Resort in Reno. Right now I'm watching a spider try to spin a web against the outside of a window. I guess it's an animal day today. I don't think I'll hug him ... Awww, the bar is now open.

  8. Kathe W. I'd like mine now too please.


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