Friday, December 19, 2014

Only 6 More Looting Days Until Christmas

Thanks Dan!


  1. yeah... lets move to Ferguson and start up a business

  2. Yep, I'm sure that these freeloaders are counting down the days.

  3. I don't loot...but if I were to do that, I'd fly to NY City and loot the mayor's house -- because you know that the police would not be called...

  4. First KMart closed and now Big Lots. buuuuuuuuuuut it had "nothing to do with the riots." Several other smaller local businesses are closing, too. I bet the shoplifting in Ferguson is off the charts. Give it another year and there won't be anything left there.

  5. I'm sick of these welfare, lazy, breeding worthless people. Breathe Easy...Don't Break The Law.

    And Detroit is really Deadtroit. Just saying.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  6. The Good Old Days - when looters were automatically shot on sight (and on sight).

    And the shooters were the heroes!

  7. have ya noticed that looter rhymes with government worker...


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