Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Late Post Because I Was Exhausted Yesterday

Thank you all so much with your well wishes and prayers.
We got back home yesterday afternoon with the
little woman feeling better than she did last time.

I have to keep her quiet for six weeks. Oh Boy,
wish me luck for Thanksgiving Dinner. I'll have
the Mrs. close by to supervise.


  1. I'm wishing you BOTH the very best. And yes, she needs to make sure you don't burn down the manse while you're cooking a turkey.

  2. LL, funny you should mention that. It's her biggest fear.

  3. First great news on your wife doing well. Excellent news indeed. Now tell her we all want her to rest for 6 weeks like she's supposed to.

    Love all the graphics and they are spot on.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. Healing hugs to the misses. ☺

  4. So glad Mrs. W is feeling good.

    Odie - Thanksgiving dinner is the easiest one you'll ever cook. Really!

    Here - watch this. It will help.

  5. So you're cooking Thanksgiving dinner, Odie? Fruit Loop stuffing for everybody!

  6. Adrienne, To be honest I help every year.

  7. Watch the video anyway. It's priceless. She's a real food expert.

  8. Glad to hear Mrs. W. is home and feeling better this time.

    All the pics are spot on. You should work exhausted more often ;-)

    You won't need luck with the turkey unless... you're not planning on deep frying that bird, are you?

  9. Semper Fi, Gunny.

    PS You'll keep her quiet for 6 weeks?

    A woman? Quiet? 6 weeks?

    Do that and you get the Nobel Prize.

    PPS My best to the Mrs and you. Enjoy this nicest time of year.

  10. Cube, in our house we cook the turkey breast down until the last hour. We then turn it over. It really traps the juices and makes for a very moist turkey.

  11. Edutcher, it's the best up here and we call it "Local's Time, but there are 3 storms coming in so we might have skiers shortly.

  12. Adrienne, OK OK I watched how to cook a fucking turkey.

  13. Maybe you should order one of those Thanksgiving dinners that the grocery store offers?

  14. Odie,
    I've been known to get some of the Thanksgiving dishes from the store -- a sort of partially-made homecooked meal. Works for me! The gravy I make never turns out right. Ugh.

  15. Odie - the reason I like the video is that she reminds me of, wait for it, MEEEEEEEEE!

  16. Adrienne, It doesn't matter it's just a fucking turkey, you?

  17. It really is me. I'm a "cut to the chase" sort of person.

    My other favorite saying is "Who gives a shit?" My staff at my beauty salon had a charm made that actually said that. I used to wear it at work and it was right in my clients face while they would blah blah. It was sort of cut out letters and not once did anyone snap to what it said. I still wear it...

    And I totally agree with her about turkey not having any taste. Hubby doesn't agree, but then he doesn't like beets so how reliable is his opinion?

  18. The only compromise the Democrats want amounts too: What is ours is ours and what is yours is negotiable.

  19. Best wishes for the both of you. Back in the day, I found that whenever I needed some downtime, Jack Daniels and a Valium chaser worked wonders.


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