Wednesday, November 12, 2014


What can I say?  
Opportunities like this just have to be posted!

Thanks David!


  1. Wow. I am surprised it was not totaled out sooner.

  2. Admiral, that's because it didn't drive near us.

  3. Heh heh heh! Nice one Centurion. Nice one!

  4. Didn't The World's Most Dangerous Community Organizer say Republicans were driving the car into the ditch and needed to turn the wheel over to him? Yes, he did!

    TWMDCO has not only "fundamentally transformed" this country, he physically transformed that guy's vehicle.

    Pardon me while I laugh my ass off.

  5. NEVER has a picture been SO worth a thousand words as this one, Odie. And if the truth of it wasn't so sad, it'd be funny.

  6. This is spot on indeed. We all see how that's working out too. Not well at all.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  7. Curmudgeon, watch out who you pick for co-pilot.

  8. Marine, we're all really pissed off, but we all need time to laugh. I like to think that really pisses off the boy king.

  9. Sandee, as for co-pilots ... he chose poorly.

  10. Odie, I'd REALLY, REALLY like to believe that anything like what we do would piss off Obamohammad. The fact is, he/she/it is so egotistical and self-centered that whatever it is (no matter how bad,) the maggot doesn't even acknowledge it... probably just to piss US off.

    I'd give nothing more than have the Brown Shirts come try to kick my door in and tell me that I can't talk about Dear Leader that way. Wishful thinking.

  11. That person drives as well as he/she votes.

  12. That's not your car, is it? Just joking buddy.

  13. He's that way with countries, too.

  14. Marine, ah but tell me we get to him just a little huh. please please ...

  15. Cube, it's a lefty, therefore it's assumed "She".

  16. Mayhaps, but there's no shortage of dumbass lefties sporting a 'Y' chromosome.


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