Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Lobsters and Other Washington Types

These were stolen from various people on Facebook.


  1. Come on Mexico, make the trade!

  2. Bring that cute Marine home - stat!!!

  3. You can only hope that the collective wisdom somehow makes its way into the Beltway... yeah, I'm an unrealistic optimist.

  4. Randy, we'll give you 12,000,000 for one.

  5. The lunatics always live the longest...Lobsters; like Pelosi; will never die out either...They are bottom feeders.

  6. Adrienne, I was too quick with Randy's answer. Let's make that 12,000,005!

  7. LL, do you suffer from hot flashes too?

  8. Scott, I like that ... "Lobsters and other bottom feeders."

  9. Lobsters are bottom feeders. I like that too.

    These are spot on Odie. Spot on.

    Have a fabulous day. :)

  10. I assume that our administration is working in the background to have our Marine returned.

    They must be doing that don't you think...maybe...I hope.

    In the meantime, there are lots of beautiful places to go on vacation, how about everyone avoiding Friggin Mexico until they send our Marine back.

  11. I'd say that first one means we start throwing around the I word.

  12. Joeh, I've avoided that place for about 45 years now. I personally think we ought to declare war.

  13. No, but it has a peach in the center.

  14. edutcher, kinda knew that, I was just funnin ya.


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