Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Boy King of Africa

Let us get back to the Golden Pantload's special
$100,000,000.00 trip. Damn, did anyone hear him
say thank you ... I didn't think so.

Thank You Ron ... (LINK 1) - (LINK 2)


  1. It's good to be the boy king. Ungrateful is his natural existence.

  2. Tell me they kept him there, pleaseeeee.

  3. Wow. A BYOC fast food. Bring your own chicken.

  4. Admiral, it's great to be the Boy King.

  5. Randy, in all honesty, I change the channel when they even mention the boy king's name.

  6. HE is just another bump in the road...Love that pic...Good union work if you can get it.

  7. I'm surprised to see Michelle carrying fish back to the family table like that.

  8. He never says thank you and never apologizes for anything. There's an old saying about never apologizing or explaining. It works well and is probably Page 1 of the troll's playbook.

  9. LL, you know it's about da diet with her.

  10. Trailbee, is that page 1 of the new edition or the first edition?

  11. I don't miss him, do you? I didn't think so.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  12. Looks like he's about to have another foreign policy disaster in Cairo.

    Think he should go up there and tell the assembled multitudes how wrong they are?

    Up close and personal?

  13. **sigh**

    Nothing but just one looong sigh.

  14. Is that a Kentucky Fried? Time for some wings and malt liquor as Jay Billington Bulworth might say if you recall the movie "Bulworth". I do appreciate the size of those fish!

  15. @ edutcher and Odie -- In your wildest imagination, you can't even begin to dream of how bad I'd like it to be up close and personal for Bathhouse Barry.

  16. Ron, never saw it, but I did tip a few last night.

  17. Marine, no more than most of us. But hey, what are dreams for.

  18. Hmmm... let's see what's on the menu...
    Damn! We should have brought more chickens.
    I'm snatching that one Odie ;-)

  19. Snatch away Miss K ... oooh that rhymes.


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