Monday, July 29, 2013

My Daughter Said . . .

My Daughter Before

My daughter just walked into the living room and said "Dad, 
cancel my allowance immediately, rent my room out, throw 
all my clothes out of the window, take my TV, and stereo, 
and iPhone, and iPod, and my laptop. Please take all of my 
jewelry to Cash Converters. Then sell my new car, take my 
front door key away from me and throw me out of the house. 
Then disown me and never talk to me again. And don't forget 
to write me out of your will and leave my share to my sister.

Well, she didn't put it quite like that... she actually said...

"Dad, this is my new boyfriend, Mohammed."

My Daughter After
What a damn waste ... Thanks Dan!

OH . . . . No more cow butts, so here's something different . . . . a goat butt for the boyfriend.


  1. What a damn waste...Perhaps a pigs ass for the boyfriend would be more fitting.

  2. Randy, I believe the goat is most appropriate for Mohammed.

  3. Slavery is alive and well. Under islam, all women are property.

    Not cool.

  4. Too early in the morning to see these photos.

  5. Yep, that's what would happen indeed.

    The goat butt isn't any better than the cow butt. You need to get a pigs butt for this post though.

    Have a terrific day Odie. ☺

  6. "what a waste." I agree, but at least the garb keeps the flys off of them! Gee, did I really say that!

  7. I don't believe I've ever seen a goats butt. Thanks, Odie...;-)

  8. Islam is not only sick, it's the most perverted cult that the world has EVER come up with. Which means the members of this cult are the most perverted beings that were EVER put on this earth. It is NOT a religion; it IS a cult.

  9. P.S. -- Where's the REST of the top picture. Okay, so I'm perverted, too. Big deal.

  10. Opie, They're living in the 12th century and loving it.

  11. Supi, sorry, it's when I always post them.

  12. Sandee, it looks like you and Randy are really hung up on this pig's butt thing.

  13. Scooney, yup you said it, and I'm proud of you.

  14. Adrienne, glad to help. Anything else you'd like to see.

  15. Marine, you're not perverted, and I wish I knew. Come on back and click on the photo for the bigger version. You'll fall in love ... or lust.

    1. Lust, Odie, lust. I've already tried the love thing.

  16. Actually, they like guys better.

    Women are only for making more Moslems.

  17. From now on I'm gonna use it like, "As edutcher would say, 'Actually, they like guys better. Women are only for making more Moslems.'"

    Or, I can do it without giving you credit, edutcher. Either way, I'M USING IT!


  18. Edutcher, And I always thought it was goats. So you mean there's a chance.

  19. Marine and Edutcher, will have to start calling this your message board. Hell, it's a lot cheaper than stamps.

  20. Thanks, Odie. We knew you'd understand!

  21. My daughter would not have to have told me any of those things----they would be automatic! Actually, been there done that! Details omitted! I'm tired of looking at all those animals butts---no stumps around here. Not redneck humor, but redneck reality!

  22. I think Muslim men just need a swift kick in the butt from the goat.

  23. Marine, Dr. Woodsterman is at your call.

  24. Ron, we need some redneck humor, butt to be honest this was Mooselimb humor.

  25. Teresa, I think it's more likely to be on the other side.

  26. Cube, could be if it were true, but then it's probably happening somewhere.


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