Monday, July 8, 2013


Bob: “Did you hear about the Obama administration scandal?” 

Jim: "You mean about the setting up of Seal Team 6?"
Bob: "No, the other one.

Jim: “You mean the Mexican gun running?”
Bob: “No, the other one.”

Jim: “The State Dept. lying about Benghazi ?”
Bob: “No, the other one.”

Jim: “The IRS targeting conservatives?”
Bob: “No, the other one.”

Jim: “The DOJ spying on the press?”
Bob: “No, the other one.”

Jim: “Sebelius shaking down health insurance executives?”
Bob: “No, the other one.”

Jim: “The NSA monitoring our phone calls, e-mails and everything else?”
Bob: “No, the other one”

Jim: “The State Dept. interfering with an IG investigation on dept. sexual misconduct?”
Bob: “No, the other one.”

Jim: “HHS employees being given insider information on Medicare Advantage?”
Bob: “No, the other one.”

Jim: “Clinton, the IRS, Clapper & Holder all lying to Congress?”
Bob: “No, the other one.” 

Jim: “I give up! … Oh wait, I think I got it!
You mean that 65 million uninformed ignorant liberal voters stuck
us again with the most corrupt administration in American history ?!?”



  1. Spot on Odie! Unfortunately...

  2. Keep chanting three-and-a-half more years!!!!

  3. LL, three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!!

  4. Often there is much truth in humor.


    This time the joke's on us.

  5. three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!!

  6. Sad but so true

  7. 20% of the names on the OH voter registration rolls have been proven phony.

    So ask yourself 2 questions:

    How many of those names were registered Democrat?*

    How many other states have a similar situation?

    *To ask the question is to answer it.

  8. Sounds about right to me. We even have a handful of those voters down here, but in a presidential election their votes don't count.

  9. Cube, but not enough humor in truth.

  10. Sandee, three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! Positively three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!!

  11. Edutcher, sounds like you have the answer.

  12. Ron, uncount them every chance you get.

  13. And that's just the tip of the iceberg...thanks to global warming...

  14. And that's just the tip of the iceberg...thanks to global warming...

  15. I click faster than the internet can stop me...

  16. A tweet-worthy joke. We MUST do something about vote fraud. Or we will never get our country back.

  17. You gotta be quick around here! Race beat me to it on the 'tip of the iceberg' thing. Snooze, you lose.

  18. Race, three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!!

  19. Race, three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!!

  20. three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! Race, You're right, this is fun ... three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!! three-and-a-half more years!!!!

  21. Opie, it's not PC to ask a voter to prove he's a US citizen.

  22. Rick, we have to have something to complain about.


Put it here ... I can't wait to read it. I have the Captcha turned OFF but blogger insists it be there. You should be able to bypass it.

** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.