Friday, March 15, 2013

You Do Not Need A Big Gun For Self-Protection!!!

Just a well placed shot!

Man escapes grizzly with a small caliber gun.
No assault rifle necessary.

Thanks David !


  1. That is something I never thought about. I guess you better make sure you can at least out run the slowest member of the group.

  2. What a guy. What a guy. Bwahahahahahahaha.

    Have a terrific day Odie. ☺

  3. Only an enemy or a true liberal democrat would wound you and let the bear kill you.

  4. Not the highest caliber boy friend, I take it!

  5. Quick thinking! Some folks are ready for anything. I wonder if that's why Mark Kelly got the 1911 he said he was going to keep.

  6. I have a feeling Odie is sleeping in one of the trees out front while the dog is curled up all warm and comfy next to Mrs Odie for the next week or so.

  7. Girl friends come and go, but you only have one body. Must must admit I would have fired a couple at the bear first and failing that, then........!

  8. Velcro, we guys have to think quickly when it comes to bears.

  9. Edutcher, I'm comfy and standing ready for the next bear.


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