Monday, March 18, 2013

Slutty Monday

 Sign in Dr's. Office
I'm sure that you have seen pharmaceutical advertising in
doctor's offices on everything from tissues to note pads.
This one should get First prize.... 

I emailed it to my Japanese doctor friend; he emailed back:
"If light stay on more than 4 hour, call erectrician.
(This make me raff out roud.) ... (ROR)

Thanks Dan !


  1. Beer talks! Its almost like duct tape, there is nothing it can't do.

  2. I've been trying to get Mrs. AOW to buy that light switch for our bedroom!

  3. Every time I go into Subway I'm going to be thinking about a 12 inch Italian. You know that right? I thought so.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  4. Randy, we call duct tape "High Speed Tape" here because it's what we patch snowmobile windshields with.

  5. Mr. Keep it up. A little play on words there.

  6. Hilarious Odie (big smile) :)

  7. I always know where to come when I need a laugh. Good one, Odie, especially the light switch.

  8. I didn't know 12" Italians rode the subway! As for the on-off switch, mine don't work good anymore. Only on early in the morning when I get up, but seldom at nite when it should.

  9. Opie, that's a heck of a thing to loose, but thanks for leaving it here.

  10. Lady, I knew there was a special audience for that one.

  11. Ron, tell your 12" Italian to take advantage of the mornings then.


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