Monday, March 25, 2013

Liberal Nuisance

A liberal will go the extra mile to prove they
know better than you what's best for you. If
you're like me, you hope this one went just a
bit too far.

Thanks Dan !


  1. Saw this about 2 weeks ago and it stuck with me. Thanks for posting this Odie. I'm looking for the perfect caption, like "3 seconds left" or "Don't look now, but..."

  2. Caption: "I didn't know there was any thin ice in the jungle."

  3. Hee! Omg, this one is hilarious, Odie. Love it :)

  4. Dick, good luck with that. I saw it as having liberal written all over it.

  5. Fuzzy, well hello my lady. That's what we do here.

  6. I'd pay good money to see the SPLAT moment.

  7. Yep they THINK they know what is best for us, but they don't know squat. Lunch time.

    Have a terrific day. ☺

  8. I really, REALLY hope that wasn't Photoshopped.

  9. You know what PETA says, "Animals are people too."

    And if one of those progressive bastards was taking photos of my grandkids the way the guy in the photo is, I'd react in much the same way as the Gorilla is about to.

  10. Cube, we're taking up a collection to charter a plane.

  11. Liberals think more of animals than they do people, but then considering the crowd they hang with that's quite understandable!

  12. As someone once said, "Time for the old luggage test!"

  13. The old silverback doesn't look all that progressive.


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