Friday, March 1, 2013

3 True American Legacies . . . .

Thanks Dan !


  1. There is something hot about competency. Jobs rocked.

  2. Opie, Being a Mac guy myself ... he sure did.

  3. Oh boy. I can see that I am gonna have to explain myself every time i say that we need Jobs!

  4. A blow job is clearly superior to no job (or no blow job).

  5. LL, I can't or won't improve on that.

  6. Bwahahahahahaha. Right on the money.

    Have a terrific day and weekend Odie. ☺

  7. Those are fitting, but never really understood the middle one. We blow leaves, but a vacumn cleaner sucks up our mess. Isn't a name change in order?

  8. An Odie, but a goodie.

    PS Ron, we all knew Willie sucked.

  9. And here I thought it was going to be a memorial post since it was 1 year today that Breitbart died. But, I have to admit I had a good laugh. Have a nice weekend, Odie.

  10. I gotta go with Ron on never really understanding the middle one. In the Corps, everything 'sucked.' But, HEY... who am I to argue about what's a good job?

  11. Edutcher, you be sayin funny stuff huh.

  12. Lady, sorry to disappoint and please at the same time ... LOL.


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