Sunday, March 10, 2013

Educational American History

Thought you would enjoy this educational moment in 
American history. Can you name this strange old tool?  
Do you know what it is?
Tobacco Smoke Enemas (1750s – 1810s)

The tobacco enema was used to infuse tobacco smoke 
into a patient’s rectum for various medical purposes, 
primarily the resuscitation of drowning victims.

A rectal tube inserted into the anus was connected to a 
fumigator and bellows that forced the 
smoke towards the rectum.

The warmth of the smoke was thought to promote respiration.

Doubts about the credibility of tobacco enemas led to 
the popular phrase “blowing smoke up your ass.”

Amazingly, it is still in constant use in Washington, D.C., 
by the best senators and representatives that money can buy.

Thanks David !


  1. If that was all the politicians were giving to us, if you get my drift, we wouldn't be doing as badly!

  2. Not long ago, Mrs. AOW was reading some book about medically weird stuff. She's always reading books about weird stuff - serial killers, freaks, etc!

    She showed me a picture of this thing.

    I wonder if, years from now, so many of our "wonderful" medical devices will seem just as weird to the folks living in the future!

  3. You gave me a good chuckle this morning, Odie. Thanks.

  4. I knew what it was right away, but this explanation really sets things clearer in my mind. Now we all know.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  5. Those last 2 lines really say it all.

  6. Brooke, It's just not a good idea to let anyone blow smoke up your ass.

  7. Mr. you must admit, smoke up one's ass never goes out of style.

  8. Edutcher, They do make their living at it huh.

  9. People have been metaphorically blowing smoke up my ass my whole life.

  10. So when did somebody figure out that we were putting it in the wrong end all this time? Not that it does much good that way either.

  11. Is this also where the phrase: "Blow it out your ass" comes from?

  12. Juan, I feel your pain or joy whichever ....

  13. Velcro, I don't think anyone figured it out at all.

  14. Paulie, if that pleases you. Don't pop those blood vessels in your forehead.

  15. Thought that was some kind of fire starter. Guess if you put a match in the right place following the hot air injection it might work.

  16. God knew what he was doing when he DID NOT place me in that time and place or near a covered wagon.


  17. Maggie, better when smoke gets in your eyes huh.

  18. Rick, never bend over around a politician.

  19. Bob Ney (ex-congressman) from OH has a new book out. I think he would agree that Speaker Boehner would love one of these, if he hasn't been given a few already.


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