Monday, December 17, 2012

They Can't Always Be At WalMart

Thanks Dan !


  1. Oh, my! Picture #1 is why, as a long-time health employee I ALWAYS tell everyone you should treat Dr.'s offices, hospitals and such just as you would a public restroom:

    Don't touch anything, don't touch anything, don't touch anything!

    And lots and lots of sanitizer!

  2. LOL to Picture #1!

    But Picture #2? At a funeral, somebody flashes the peace sign? Or maybe it's the victory sign (as RMN used to do).


  3. Has anyone considered putting them on a reservation. I'm talking tent cities around each Walmart with wire, searchlights and guard towers to KEEP THEM IN.

  4. Okay that first one made me ill. Really ill. That's something I never wanted to see. The rest of them are pretty bad too.

    Thanks for making my face be all scrunched up. I'm hoping it will return to normal soon.

    Have a terrific day and week ahead Odie. :)

  5. AOW, #1 is trolling for the ladies with good health insurance.

  6. LL, I'll help you guard it from the inside.

  7. Sandee, you know what they say to kids that make faces.

  8. Photo #1 is precisely why I always wear long pants and boxers. If I can't sell it, I'm not giving it away.

  9. No wonder that poor guy at the top is seeing a doctor---just look at the size of that tumor!

  10. As for the last guy, he may want, but he won't get.

  11. Ewww no#1 is so wrong! I have seen that at the doctor's and people just don't care...

  12. Euripides, they look like they'd be cooler.

  13. Doubletroubletwo, I have not thank goodness.

  14. Yep, anything would be cooler when hanging out the old radiator to catch the breeze....

  15. Hey #1 was just giving his doctor a Christmas fruit basket.

  16. Todd, you're not a doctor are you. Welcome to this crazy place.


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