Sunday, December 23, 2012

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree . . .

I finally got the tree up!
Decided to stay with an artificial tree.
What an easy job!

Just love the smell of pine! *****

Merry Christmas Everyone !

(And may it be as un-PC as I am)


  1. Its a hell of a job getting those damn trees up!

  2. PS: Eggnog with brandy all around -- and on me. ;^)

  3. Christopher, it took me awhile to git used to them store bought trees, but I've comed around.

  4. AOW, you don't mean "Belly Shots" do you.

  5. I love the smell of fresh pine in the house. Mine comes from a spray bottle and candles.

    Merry Christmas, Odie

  6. Merry Christmas to you, your family and friends, Odie!
    BTW, in case no one has noticed, I'm about as UN-PC as you can get. I go around shouting, "Merry Christmas!" to everyone... taking EXTRA delight in seeing the expression on the faces of NON-Infidels.*

    *NON-Infidels: Those not of the Christian faith -- know what I mean?!

  7. You did an awesome job Odie. Looking good and I know it smells good too. Bwahahahahahaha.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  8. A friendly-looking tree. You scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours.

  9. Adrienne, back at you. We actually have a real tree we grew.

  10. Sandee, nothing but the best at the Woodsterman household.

  11. Odie,
    Not belly shots! I'm not showing off my wrinkled belly.

  12. A pine scented air freshener, huh?

    In the words of Gene Tracy, "It smelled like somebody just sh*t a Christmas tree!

  13. That's awesome odie! Lol. Merry Christmas :)

  14. Odie, if you really want that pine tree smell, you go to Yankee Candle and get one of their Balsam and Cedar plug-ins.

    Works just great!

    Ho Ho Ho

  15. Merry Christmas you handsome devil. It's been a pleasure to keep in touch with you over another year.

  16. Nothing like the smell of the great outdoors unless you live close to a chicken farm. The very best to you on the special holiday.

  17. AOW, you can do it. Come on it's Christmas.

  18. Doubletroubletwo, Merry Christmas from the silly Santa.

  19. Euripides, SIR, the pleasure is all mine ... I mean that.

  20. Ron, no chicken farms here, just pine trees.

  21. Wishing you and your family a Blessed Christmas and all the best in the New Year.
    Nice tree, btw.

  22. Lady, Merry Christmas to you too. You should smell that tree. Really a rich pine smell.

  23. Damn, you have reminded me that I'll need to stir myself to bring my own tree in from the car.

    Merry Chrstmas Woody.


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