Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Old Ads From Before P C (3)

Thanks Dan !


  1. Momma needs her 'vitamins'... ;)

    Camels are "good for the T-zone!"

    That fag ad looks a little suggestive. I don't think a cig is the only thing they're smoking!

    And who isn't happy when they eat lard?

  2. Lard and Fag have passed into history, but remain alive and well in my man-cave! Like those ole fag ads. What is PC other than lying about the truth!

  3. Well, it was a simpler time. You can legislate political correctness all you want, but folks are going to think what they think regardless.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  4. Brooke, you never have too much lard and too many fags.

  5. Ron, and never forget gay used to mean happy.

  6. Sandee, And it's no longer PC to take a toke on a fag ... or is it.

  7. These ads are all wonderful. I can't choose one.

  8. Love the first one.

    Show it to a feminist you know and stand back.

    PS The one about cola has a proviso - some kids go right into orbit with a Coke.


  9. Edutcher, coke is the grandparents friend. Get em high on it and then send em home. It's great fun.

  10. Odie, you must be cleaning out your garage or something...?

  11. Sad to say, I remember these ads. Worse news is that we took them semi-seriously.

  12. Eating lard is still a pastime in the developing world, and so is smoking (Chesterfields?) but the whole doing the fag thing seems to be more of a "progressive", "liberal" pastime.

  13. Lard makes better pies...and saturated oils are worse than you have been told. Old ways sometimes were better.

  14. Odie, you think like The Blonde.

    And, yes, that's a compliment.

  15. We ate lard and we were happy!

  16. "So the harder a wife works, the cuter she looks."

    Not around this house! ;^)

  17. Wow, giving babies cola... *speechless*!

  18. Angelika, almost as good as mother's milk, huh.


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