Saturday, December 22, 2012

Santa's Helpers ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

Isn't it great what you can find when you Google
"Sexy Elves"

Other Rule 5 ers:
Merry Christmas !


  1. Ok, I admit it -- I'm Santa.

    Now, where are all my helpers?

  2. Any of Santa's little helpers could make Christmas a lot merrier - reason for the season.

  3. With elves like those, the North Pole would follow me wherever I went...

  4. Help Santa's Helpers! I've fallen and can't get up.

    OK, that sounded funnier in my head than when I typed it out.

  5. Juan, Google some of them "Sexy Elves" for yourself.

  6. Mike, we have to be careful though, it could create real global warming.

  7. Euripides, Merry Christmas anyway my Buddy.

  8. They are all lovely young things Odie. I so remember, and I certainly didn't appreciate it back then either. Bugger.

    Have a terrific weekend and a very Merry Christmas. :)

  9. Jingle, jingle, hello Kris Kringle.

  10. Wonder is Santa could spare one of those to help me around the house. Serious, what could an old man do with one of these cuties other than die trying to reach that lost plateau just one more time.

  11. Now those are stocking stuffers!

    Also bra stuffers, panty stuffers...

  12. Odie, I'd send you my Santa Helper picture to post, but I'm afraid the outfit has gotten a little to tight this year. ;)


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

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