Sunday, June 10, 2012

Where To Put Number 44

Where oh where to put Obama #44

George Washington, our nation's first president  
and leader of the American  Revolution!
Abe Lincoln,  honorable leader who pulled 
our nation through its darkest  time!
Alexander Hamilton,  founding father, first Secretary of the 
Treasury and  leader of the constitutional  convention!
Andrew Jackson, "Old Hickory " 
fought the British in New Orleans! 
Ulysses  Grant, Union army general, 
led the North through the Civil  War!
Ben  Franklin, genius inventor, political theorist 
and leading  author of the Constitution.
Finally, we have  someone to put on the food  stamp!!!
Obama's policies  have put more people on welfare than any 
president before  him, so this placement is most  appropriate. 
Unlike the Nobel  Peace Prize, for which he did nothing,
 this is an "honor"  he richly  deserves.


  1. He earned it, he owns it. The food stamp prez...

  2. Randy, He does belong on that damn thing.

  3. Christopher, I heard you could even get "Blow".

  4. The only thing missing is his "crinkly nose" smile. You know - the one he thinks makes him look all cute and stuff. Ugh!

  5. You had me worried at first, I thought the U.S. Treasury was going to start printing the $1,000,000,000,000.00 Bill...

  6. That's about the only thing worth putting his face on...although I hear Charmin is looking for new TP designs.

  7. It seems like a lot of the time I stop at 7-11 and the total is $2.99 so maybe we should put him on a $3 bill.

    Plus, he's spent so much money and printed so much money that he kinda deserves some recognition.

  8. Yeah, this is perfect.
    the only better place would be toilet paper but quite honestly, I do not think I want his mug on anything we would have to look at on a regular or irregular basis.
    Thankfully we do not need food coupons/stamps/Oblamabucks

    have a bonkbonk Sunday!

  9. That is perfect! Except he'd be on the front of an EBT card, now.

  10. I was going to say on the Confederate $1,000,000,000,000 bill because that's about all he's worth.

    But your idea's good, too.

  11. It's sad isn't it? Yes it is, but it's so true.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  12. Adrienne, go ahead and pass that on to his Majesty.

  13. Lady, They are having trouble at Charmin choosing between him and Biden's butt.

  14. Pierro, Bonk Bonk Obama Bucks .. I bonk bonk like that.

  15. Brooke, he'd put him mug just about anywhere. I would like it on a wanted poster.

  16. Edutcher, he IS the food stamp president.

  17. Sandee, it couldn't happen to a nicer narcissist.

  18. Educher has the ticket...A 1 Trillion dollar bill might be worth about $10.00 in Obamaville once he is through with capitalism and we go Veimarch.

  19. As I scrolled down from the One Dollar bill I was expecting to see Obama on a Trillion Dollar bill, but the Food Stamp thing is good. Great post!

  20. Ron, it's the trillion dollar food stamp.

  21. They use Link Cards. Put his fugly mug on the shaira law book, or kenya money.

  22. Bunni, they put it on Kenya money and then it was immediately devalued.


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