Monday, June 25, 2012

Great Photos From Mars

Beautiful and incredible images from the latest batch
of photographs sent back from the Mars Lander.

Thanks Dan !


  1. Ray Bradbury didn't imagine that last one. Stephen King might, though.

  2. NASA Fail...We support the Martian Spring!

  3. The little guys just have to be conservatives, because they don't want illegal aliens on their turf!

  4. Scotty ... good one Dude! Martian Spring indeed.

  5. Ron, I hear JPL is taking it all the up to the Supreme Court were almost anything can happen as you can see from today's events.

  6. Bwahahahahaha. I knew there was a twist in there somewhere. Love it.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  7. We could at least start a nice Earth-style trash dump. Then the Martians would love us for SURE!

  8. Like the man said, "There goes the neighborhood".

    At least they enforce their immigration laws.

    And I suppose SCOTUS, when they ruled on SB1070, envisioned a day when we, having a real Administration with a real President and a real Attorney General, would do the same.

  9. Sandee, Of course there was. That's why you come here isn't it.

  10. Opie, how could they not. We'll put an Earth Day group in charge of it.

  11. Edutcher, I don't know what SCOTUS is thinking, but Arizona can ask for proof at least.

  12. Wonder if we can hire those little guys for the next Tea Party rally in DC. Maybe the MSM would cover the story if they showed up. Besides, if SEIU can pay protesters, so can we.

  13. Lady, after Obama trashed Mars we wouldn't have to pay them.

  14. That's just the Left side of Mars...on the Right, they are working, building things, etc.


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