Thursday, June 21, 2012

More Signs of the Times

Thanks David !

We have our first show this weekend, so I'm not sure I'll be
around to see all of you much. I'll do my best, but this is the
most hectic time for us. American capitalism at work!


  1. We are living in times that Orwell prophesied.

    Good luck at the show, Odie! You and your better half do beautiful work. This household needs to start thinking about buying Christmas gifts soon and will look at your offerings -- earlier this year.

  2. I hope your show is a huge success.
    We live in one of the very wealthiest counties on the right coast (Loudoun County, Virginia) and I am sure the folks here would devour your handcrafted wares. Best wishes and have a great time meeting up with your your fellow artisans.

    I like the sign at the Walmart the best. We have two Walmarts here, the little one in Leesburg is quaint and full of olden type Furrginians, and loads of those sweet laughing black ladies.
    The one in Sterling/Dulles is okay, but have a "fair share" of sketchiness
    Bonks for a safe enjoyable trip!

  3. Oh and the Sterling/Dulles Walmart is one of those new ginormous Walmarts :oD

    more bonks

  4. Good luck with your shows this year. I know how much work goes into them, as I did them for a number of years. Just too hard on me now---so out of the business. Miss the crowds and the interaction with all the folks!

  5. Pierro, Bonks and the safe trip is 12 miles away. We do only local shows any more. We live in a tourist area and they come to us.

  6. Pierro, those Walmarts can get big. Take some photos for me.

  7. Ron, I think I might always do them, but a very scaled back version.

  8. Good luck at the show, Odie! Have a great weekend.

  9. The TSA folks didn't touch me, but someone saw me naked in that screener. Oh well.

    Love this post. You and I are on the same page.

    Have a terrific day and a wonderful show. You do fine work, so I'm guessing it will be successful. :)

  10. Even 12 miles away is a lot of work. I used to do shows but it got too much for me.

    The best part of shows is hanging out and all the people you get to meet and talk to.

    Sell lots of stuff!!

  11. Adrienne, I've been at it for 10 years and it's just starting to get old at times. We're trying a new set up, so it might be exciting.

  12. they're all great, but I love the first and the last.

    Break a leg.

  13. Odie, I bet you sell out all your beautiful handiwork. I know I treasure the pieces I have of yours.

  14. Opie, thanks for the words of incouragement. It's all bound to be good on the shores of Lake Tahoe. Maybe I'll see Nickie again.


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