Sunday, March 25, 2012

Some Headlines Are Just Better Than Others II

Thanks Dan !


  1. Pregnancy in their 20's doesn't count as teens? Classic. And weapons in a gun store? Good digs Odie.

  2. Lane County has too much money to spend...

  3. You should have posted a spew warning for that first one!

  4. Randy, truth is at times stranger than fiction you know.

  5. Supi, on target, and so typical of government.

  6. Brooke, I posted these and I'm still doing it.

  7. Yep these are all great and well...DUH! I've talked to a lot of reporters in my day and many of them didn't hear a word you said. You'd read the article later and it was what the heck were they listening too. I learned very quickly.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  8. Cap'tn obvious to the rescue! These were VERY funny! Thanks for the laughs, Odie.

  9. And people wonder why many don't trust the press. Caskets found in Mausoleum, isn't that like "dog biting man"---not news worthy, now had it been "mausoleum found in casket" now thats news like "man biting dog".

  10. Keep 'em coming, Odie. The nitwit journalists are providing you with lots of material.

  11. Ron, ask Joyce above you who taught these writers.

  12. I guess that there is a shortage of proofreaders.

  13. Let's blame every error a person makes on teachers. I work over ten hours a day in a teaching job and bring it home on the week-ends too for minimal pay and NO respect. I am fed up with getting the shaft for everything that's wrong in society or errors a journalist made in print. I'm also sick of the way Republican Legislators constantly abuse us with punitive laws because we didn't vote for them. How could we? Five years until retirement, which is bitter sweet because I dearly love the kids. I just hate the crap from people like you and my legislators who probably haven't even stepped foot into a school but make our lives #%&^. My daughter took a college interest survey that told her to be a teacher. I said, "Don't you dare!" God help the world and the people sweating to educate our kids if a Republican takes over the White House. The Republicans in my state have designed FOURTEEN bills that will hurt education -- ie., increasing class sizes, doing away with teacher licenses (so any bobo off the street can teach when we all quit), and eliminating higher pay for higher education (no young person will pursue a master's degree in education & that will improve matters). You think we have a poor economy now? I guarantee if we get a Republican President who has complete freedom with a Republican house and senate, we will fall all the way into that Second Great Depression which Obama saved us from. Of course if Americans are stupid enough to vote the Conservative lies, we probably deserve it.

  14. Joyce, thank you for the April Fools comment. Really, why would you waste your time here? You haven't done your job in the schools, what makes you think you can do it here.


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