Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Redneck Tug of War


  1. We know how to ruin things and haz us some fun down here.

  2. What does the winner get, braggin' rights maybe? And is there a consolation prize beside waiting for the next 'Cars for Clunkers' program?

  3. Christopher, the looser gets something to do.

  4. HEALLL YEAAA!!! That's what I'm talkin' about! Been there done that...But I didn't tear the guts out of it...We old rednecks havin' fun out hea'. Good times Odie.

  5. Scrap iron prices are good now...

  6. Scott, you hass to be car-ful whar you hook up them chains.

  7. I can't believe that a Ford won that contest. I'm now in a state of mourning.

  8. Inno, I hear you, but ford trucks use a stronger undercarriage. I still think the one pulled apart attached the chain in the wrong place.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

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