Monday, March 19, 2012

Eric Holder's Excellent Adventure


  1. Wanna see an adventure?

    Check this one out!

  2. I love it. I hate Bill, he's a c***. Eric Holder is a crook. Democrats seem to get a pass though don't they.

    Have a terrific day Odie. :)

  3. Sandee, Nobody likes Bill. The Dems. are indeed getting a pass. Holder is too arrogant to step down.

  4. I prefer bacon with sex, but these days its bacon and grits. And for dessert there's that old southern standby "barnyard cake with chicken roost filling".

  5. Nobody understands Eric Holder...he's been a loyal toadie and has taken one for the team and now Congress wants him to resign or go to jail.

  6. Ron, "barnyard cake with chicken roost filling" ... WHAT?

  7. LL, I understand him. He's a Wiseguy for a Chicago thug.


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