Friday, March 30, 2012

Oh Boy More Silly Headlines II

Thanks Dan!


  1. HAHAHAHAAAA to the apathy story!

    The two day sick notice; I'm actually not surprised or amazed. I worked for folks like that, once.

  2. Ha ha, maybe they can get that down to one day if they puke on the HR rep.

  3. Everyone has been arrested? Everyone?

  4. Brooke, I don't care. I am glad you moved on, however.

  5. Randy, we only report the stupid news here. We never verify it.

  6. Bwahahahahahahaha. Bunch of idiots.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  7. Tower erections on nudist beaches---is that news worthy. Kindda like towers collapse near old folks home.

  8. Headline #2 can only be improved if the towers were being built by a company in my neck of the woods:

    Short Steel Erections.

  9. Ron, think about ... it'll come to you.

  10. edutcher, you and Ron go to your rooms.

  11. Odie, I got it to begin with: towers=Binoculars or towers=Penis, just depends on your perspective. Just another dirty ole man that has not needed viagra yet for the old tower.

  12. Ron, I toast Viagras at you Sir. I just thought it was funny (and double meaning) that Nudists fight erections. That's the way my mind works. That's what I thought of first.


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