Monday, March 5, 2012

Now That I Think About It . . . .

"Let's see here. I need to shower, shave, eat some oatmeal, 
put on my new Obama T-shirt, grab my 9mm and hold up 
a convenience store."

New Fashion Rage In Police Mug Shots. 
These Are Actual Police Photos.
Just think about this for a second:

Did you ever see anyone arrested wearing a Bush T-shirt, 
or for you older guys, an Eisenhower, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, 
or even Nixon, or Bob Dole shirt.

There MUST be a message here, 
but I can't quite grasp it.


  1. Wouldn't be caught dead in One of those!

  2. It shows the sort of mind Obama attracts, at the least.

  3. I see the message here as being...Liberals create the problems (poverty, crime, infinitum)just so they can say>>>"SEE now we need more Govt. programs to solve this". The self fulfilling prophecy.

  4. Does the term "Dumocrats" fit here?

  5. Well! If those mug shots don't tell the story!

    Good find, Odie.

  6. Scott, we'll solve all the problems from jail.

  7. AOW, if Obama voters aren't dead or illegal they're in jail.

  8. If they wore a Nixon shirt they could claim "I am not a crook"! Nixon got pardoned so it can't hurt to try...

  9. Maybe they can't read. Or maybe the shirts were on sale!

  10. Makes perfect sense to me when you think about Obama voters. They all just believe in GIMME! GIMME! GIMME! Gimme your stuff sucker!!!

  11. KDaunt, In this case I'm afraid both are right. Welcome to Woodsterman!

  12. Ron, we all be suckas ripe for picking.

  13. Criminals love Obama. Obama attracts criminals. Maybe its because the Chicago Way is pretty much run like a criminal enterprise?

  14. Teresa, jailbirds everywhere love DuhWon.


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