Monday, March 26, 2012

Respect Technology


  1. Now that's a bad day at the office.

  2. Typical Monday at my office...

  3. Admiral, that's what vacations are for.

  4. Randy, that's why I liked working outside.

  5. Bwahahahahahaha. I like that computer. It knows stupid when it sees stupid.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  6. I've had many of those days at the office and now at home. Yep, some time this old piece of chips and boards beats the crap out of me and I retreat until rested and then we go at it again---what a life.

  7. Hi Lee! Thank goodness it isn't like my computer.

  8. Ron, Ain't it a bitch when the computer is the smart one.

  9. As you may remember, my sister works for the DHS. This is a common occurrence when they go online for personal business. I do not e-mail her anymore. I haven't for three years.

  10. Okay - my first LOL moment of the day. Thanks!!!

  11. Adrienne, there's a lot of that going on here.

  12. Mrs. AOW has meltdowns over technology all the time. Good thing that the technology doesn't turn on her like that! Otherwise, Mrs. AOW would run away from home. Then what would I do?

  13. Mr. You have to hang on to those good ones.

  14. Stopsign, not too much. I'll be able to walk soon.


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